Micro Science Fiction
Published by Mikrotext, June 2019.
A collection of 369 tweet-sized science fiction stories, written 2013-2018.
Available as ebook and paperback, in English and German translation.
- Ebook and paperback – Amazon.com and Amazon.co.uk, .de, .fr, .it, .ca, .es, .in, .com.br, and .co.jp.
- Ebook – Kobo.
- Ebook – Apple Books.
- Ebook – Google Books.
- Ebook – Beam (DRM free).
- Ebook library – OverDrive.
German, translated by Birthe Mühlhoff:
- Ebook and paperback – Amazon.de.
- Ebook and paperback – Buecher.de.
- Paperback – Hugendubel.
- Ebook – Apple Books.
- Paperback – genialokal.
- Paperback – Thalia.
One Hundred, Ten, and One
This collection contains one hundred microfictions, selected from the first 140 posted on MicroSFF on Twitter, as well as ten drabbles (stories of exactly 100 words), and one short story.
Currently available from:
- Smashwords – for epub (Apple iPad/iBooks, Nook, Sony Reader, Kobo, etc), Kindle (.mobi for Kindle devices and Kindle apps), PDF, LRF (older Sony Readers), Palm Doc.
- Amazon – Kindle (also on local subsidiaries: .ca, .de, .es, .fr, .in, .it, .co.jp, .mx, .co.uk).
- Apple iTunes – for iPhones and iPads. Follow the “View in iTunes” link.
- Barnes & Noble – Nook ebook store (epub format, also works on Kobo, modern Sony Readers and various apps on Android and iPhone).
- Kobo – Kobo ebook store (epub format, also works on Nook, modern Sony Readers and various apps on Android and iPhone).
The first 15% are free at Smashwords, so you can check out a the first drabble and the first few microfictions online, if you wish.