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Month: December 2024

Beautiful machines

She piloted her mecha back to base
Her friend stood guard at the gate
In armed and armoured power suit

Two angular metallic shapes
One huge, one large
In friendly conversation

A robot coming through the gate paused
Looked up at them
And saluted

They responded
And she asked
“We are all such beautiful machines.”

Posted to social media November 26, 2024

The patron

The alien came to the library again, shortly before closing time, and quickly found a book.

“May this entity borrow The Complete History of Knitting?”

They always return the book they borrow after five minutes, but the ritual of checking it out seems important to them. 

“Of course. Did you bring your card?”

I looked them up, after the first time I saw them for real. They first registered with us over ninety years ago. The senior librarian who first told me about them said I shouldn’t stare, or pry.

“Whatever else they are, they are a patron, and should be treated as such,” she said. “If they seek knowledge, it is our duty to help them find it.”

There isn’t an ancient and secret code of librarians, but that is definitely a core part of it. If such a code existed.

I scan the card and the book. “There you go,” I say and hand them over. “Please return it within two weeks.”

They tilt their head. “This entity will honour your terms.”

“Oh! That reminds me, we have updated the terms since your last visit.” I hand them the pamphlet we got from the printers last week. “It’s mostly about internet usage, but I’ll need you to read them and agree.”

They study the pamphlet.

“These are terms this entity can abide by.” They pause. “Is there no requirement to keep your existence secret?”

“Of course not,” I say, “we always welcome new patrons.”

They stand silent, long enough for me to realise the implications of what I have just said. 

“This entity had made an assumption, based on prior experiences on countless worlds, where knowledge is always closely guarded and costly to obtain” they say at last. “You will provide knowledge for free to all who seek it?”

In my mind, I weigh humanity’s ignorance of those countless worlds of alien civilisations against the code.

“Yes,” I say, “this is a library.”

Written in the bar of the International Discworld Convention in Birmingham, UK.
Posted to social media August 5, 2024

Treasure hunters

The derelict is enormous, a galaxy-class carrier ship from centuries ago. The captain brings it up on the holoscreen, our ship a tiny dot beside it.

“There are still people there,” the client says. “Descendants of the surviving crew, fallen to barbarism.”

“Why didn’t they leave?” the captain asks.

“That ship carried fighters. Small and nimble, without hyperjump capability. In this system, there are no inhabited planets or stations. With the carrier’s engines dead, they couldn’t leave.”

“And our target?”

“In the main hangar, they bury their kings under large mounds built from debris and fighter parts.”


“They bury them with treasure,” the client says.

The captain frowns. “Like, things they have found in the ship? Do you know what kind of things? Maybe we could try to avoid the people there and look around for-”

“No!” The client shakes his head. “That’s just stuff. But what’s in the mounds, that’s treasure!”

The captain nods. Can’t argue with that logic.

Posted to social media July 23, 2024